Exploring the magic and mystery of being through true life stories

A life changing UFO encounter at a North Carolina observatory leads to a second encounter with a house-sized craft.

An Airforce Security Officer starts an XFIle after a UFO incident at Vandeberg AFB.

A Shaman's Apprentice nearly gets stranded off planet during an Ayahuasca trip

Next Up- Two Airmen get scared straight after encountering an UFO and extraterrestrials on a camping trip.

An American encounters a forest being once believed to be folklore while training to be a Shaman in the Amazon.

A preacher's daughter discovers truth in her mother's magical UFO story

An artist struggles to manage the chaos unleashed by the world's first ARG known as "Ong's Hat."

A missing time puzzle results in a surprise opportunity to save the pope.

Conversations that explore what's real and what's not with ET Contact

#Dragonsbread is documentary-style romps into the messy and magical lives of people experiencing the strangest things.
“Dragonsbread pulls listeners into a narrative dreamscape where the ground beneath your feet can collapse at any moment.” -Glynn Washington, Snap Judgement
Now Playing -A trained observer gets a first-hand look at the drones in New Jersey.
A life changing UFO encounter at a North Carolina observatory leads to a second encounter with a house-sized craft.
An Airforce Security Officer starts an XFIle after investigating a UFO incident at Vandeberg AFB.
A Shaman's Apprentice nearly gets stranded off Earth while traveling the Universe on his first Ayahuasca trip.
Two Airmen get confronted by U.S Airforce agents after encountering extraterrestrials on a camping trip.
An American gets rescued by a forest spirit once believed to be folklore while training to be a Shaman in the Amazon.
An artist struggles to manage the chaos unleashed by the world’s first ARG “Ong’s Hat.”
Screenwriter Alec Sokolow (Toy Story, Evan Almighty) finds hope for his next life when visited by his dad in a twilight state dream.
Two paranormal investigators get lost in a missing time puzzle that leads to a surprise opportunity to protect the Pope
A vet gets visited by alien grandparents during an Ayahuasca trip offering answers to mysteries surrounding his black heritage.
A Randonaut tangles with a serpent-like being once believed a figment of his best friends psychotic delusions
A ghost possession and funding problems inspire a researcher to open a church to treat felons with Ayahuasca
Scientists face bedlam and hyper dimensional beings after getting dosed with one of Brazil's most potent psychedelics
A nighttime UFO abduction turns summer camp into a terrifying ordeal for two sisters
An abduction and miraculously cured pet leaves an attorney at odds with his wife about what they're dealing with- angels or aliens?
A ghostly visit and a "white light experience" leads a gay therapist into writing books with his dead lover.
A inmate is visited by an Angel after seeking freedom through Magick on Death Row.
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Contact Confidential
Enjoy conversations with #Dragonsbread guests and influencial people on the subject of UFOs and ET Contact.

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Shadowy figures resembling Men In Black pursue a medium with ET encounters.